The PIXMINDS Group is concerned about the protection of personal data. It is committed to ensuring the highest level of protection for your personal data in accordance with the European and French regulations applicable in terms of personal data protection.

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on information technology, files and freedoms as amended, as well as with regard to EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of data (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR) which entered into force on 25 May 2018, the PIXMINDS Group informs visitors and users of its sites below (the "User(s)") that it processes their personal data while browsing the site: (hereinafter the "Site").

1. Person responsible for the processing of personal data

The person responsible for processing the User’s personal data is the company that defines for which use and how the Users' personal data are used.

The personal data collected on the Site are processed jointly by:

  • PIXMINDS, a a simplified joint stock company governed by the laws of France, with a share capital of EUR 681. having its registered office at at 120 rue Sébastien Charléty, 73490 La Ravoire, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Chambéry under number 752 076 208 - Telephone: +33 (0)4 79 25 83 18 - e-mail address:

  • E-CONCEPT, a simplified joint stock company governed by the laws of France, with a share capital of EUR 81,000, whose registered office is located at 120 rue Sébastien Charléty, 73490 La Ravoire, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Chambéry under number 425 010 451 - Telephone: +33 (0)4 79 25 83 18 - e-mail address: - intra-Community VAT number: FR24425010451.

Hereinafter together referred to as "PIXMINDS".

2. Data collection and origin

All personal data concerning Users is collected directly from them.

PIXMINDS undertakes to obtain the consent of the Users and/or to allow them to object to the use of their personal data for certain purposes, as soon as this is necessary.

In all cases, Users are informed of the purposes for which their personal data are collected via the various online data collection forms and via the cookie management policy available on the Site.

3. Necessity and purposes of collection

The processing of personal data by PIXMINDS is carried out for an explicit, legitimate and determined purpose. PIXMINDS ensures that it only collects and processes data that are strictly necessary for the purpose for which they are processed (data minimisation).

The personal data communicated by the User through the forms available on the Site are processed for the following purposes:

  • management of all requests and their consequences: deliveries, invoices, accounting, accounts receivable management;

  • customer relationship management and follow-up: carrying out satisfaction surveys, complaints management and after-sales service.

  • payment of orders and proof of purchase transactions;

  • customize and facilitate the online purchase process of products;

  • improve the User's experience when browsing the Site;

  • allow Users to share products on social networks;

  • commercial communications (announcement of new products, commercial operations, etc.) sent by email, push in a targeted and personalized way;

  • fight against fraud and secure payments;

  • ensure the security of the Site and detect, avoid or trace any attempt at malicious intent or computer intrusion or any violation of the Site's terms of use.

  • customer knowledge and statistics and performance of the Site.

4. Nature of the data collected

PIXMINDS collects and processes:

  • information relating to the identity of the Users: surname, first name, delivery address, email address, telephone number, data concerning the means of payment, function, company, professional contact details;

  • information on purchases made by the User;

  • the connection and use data of the Site: IP address, MAC address, device name, logs, browsing history, operating system, browser version, etc.

5. When is the data collected?

PIXMINDS collects Users' personal data, in particular when the User:

  • creates a customer account on the Site;

  • places an order on the Site;

  • accepts cookies, fills out forms on the Site;

  • pays for its purchases on the Site;

  • responds to satisfaction surveys, writes comments or customer experience feedback;

  • agrees to receive messages and commercial offers from PIXMINDS;

  • participates in a game or contest;

  • browses the Site and consults products;

  • contacts Customer Service or any PIXMINDS service;

  • consults PIXMINDS' advertisements.

6. Data recipients

The personal data communicated by the User through the forms available on the Site are intended exclusively for the authorized personnel of PIXMINDS, for administrative and commercial management purposes. Under no circumstances will they be transmitted to third party commercial or advertising actors without the User's consent.

Personal data may be processed by PIXMINDS' partners and service providers to enable it to carry out its activities in full compliance with the principles set out in this Policy.

Data concerning the User may also be transmitted to other subsidiaries of the PIXMINDS group for study and customer knowledge purposes. To know the updated list of group entities likely to be recipients of your data, you can request it.

PIXMINDS does not transfer personal data to entities located outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.

7. Data retention

PIXMINDS only keeps your data for the duration necessary for the operations for which they were collected and in compliance with the legislation in force. Most data are kept for as long as the customer is "active" and for a period of 5 years after his last activity (purchase, connection to his account, etc.). The data is then archived with restricted access for an additional period of time for limited reasons authorized by law (payment, guarantee, disputes, etc.). After this period, they are deleted.

8. Safety and security

PIXMINDS implements all technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data processing.

In this respect, E-CONCEPT takes all necessary precautions, with regard to the nature of the data and the risks presented by the processing, to preserve the security of the data and, in particular, to prevent them from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties (physical protection of the premises, authentication procedures with personal and secure access via confidential identifiers and passwords, connection logging, encryption of certain data, etc.).

9. Users' rights

In accordance with the GDPR in force, Users of the Site have:

  • a right of access and rectification, updating and completeness of their personal data,

  • a right to block or erase their personal data, when they are inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated, or whose collection, use, communication or storage is prohibited;

  • a right to withdraw consent at any time;

  • the right to limit the processing of personal data;

  • a right to object to the processing of personal data;

  • a right to the portability of the data provided, where such data are processed automatically on the basis of their consent or a contract;

  • a right to define the fate of their personal data in the event of death and to choose to whom PIXMINDS should disclose it (or not).

Whenever PIXMINDS processes personal data, PIXMINDS shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that the data are accurate and relevant to the purposes for which it processes them.

The User may withdraw his consent or formulate an opposition concerning the use of his personal data described above:

  • when creating a customer account via the boxes or opposition links dedicated when creating an account;

  • At any time:

    • online by going to his account under "My Account".

    • by post to the following address: PIXMINDS, 45 route d'Apremont, 73000 BARBERAZ;

    • by e-mail to the following address:

In this case, the User must indicate the personal data he or she wishes PIXMINDS to correct, update or delete, by identifying himself or herself precisely (surname, first name, e-mail, address and if possible, customer reference). Any request for the exercise of rights (right of access) must be sent with with a photocopy of an identity document bearing the signature of its holder in order to verify its identity. A reply will then be sent to the User within 1 month of receipt of the request.

10. Social Networks

The User has the possibility to click on the icons dedicated to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram social networks on the Site. Social networks improve the user-friendliness of the Site and help to promote it through sharing.

When the User clicks on these buttons, PIXMINDS will be able to access the personal information that the User has indicated as public and accessible from his Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram profiles. However, PIXMINDS does not create or use any database independent of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram from the personal information that the User may publish therein and PIXMINDS does not process any data relating to his private life in this way.

If the User does not want PIXMINDS to have access to personal information published on the public space of his profiles or social accounts, the User must then use the means made available by Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram to limit access to his data.

11. Personal data of minors

The Site is intended for adults who are capable of entering into obligations in accordance with the legislation of the country in which the User is located.

Users who are minors under 16 years of age or incapable of doing so must obtain the prior consent of their legal guardian before entering their data on the Site. Unless there is a legal obligation of confidentiality, PIXMINDS may directly inform this person in charge: of the specific categories of personal data collected from the minor of the possibility of objecting to their collection, use or storage.

12. Modification and evolution of the Policy

PIXMINDS reserves the right to modify the content of this notice at any time and without notice in order to comply with any legal, regulatory, jurisprudential and technical changes. The User is therefore invited to consult it on a regular basis. However, the User's personal data will always be processed in accordance with the policy in force at the time of collection, unless a mandatory legal requirement otherwise provides and is retroactive.

13. Complaints

The User also has the right to file a complaint with the “Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés” (CNIL), in particular on its website:

14. DPO contact information

PIXMINDS has a Personal Data Protection Officer (DPO) responsible for ensuring the protection of personal data. You can contact the PIXMINDS Personal Data Protection Officer at (excluding the exercise of your rights, which are mainly at

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